

Definition: A URL is provided to the search engine to let the search engine be conscious of a certain site or page. Information: It consists of providing the URL of the specified site or page to the ...

Definition: A URL is provided to the search engine to let the search engine be conscious of a certain site or page. Information: It consists of providing the URL of the specified site or page to the Read article

Definition: The part of a webpage that can be seen without a scroll down. Information: Subject to changes in the resolution of the viewer’s monitor, the fold changes. As compared to higher settings, the fold stretches up ...

Definition: The part of a webpage that can be seen without a scroll down. Information: Subject to changes in the resolution of the viewer’s monitor, the fold changes. As compared to higher settings, the fold stretches up Read article

Definition: The area that is vacant for commercials on a Web page. Information: Web design did not account for Ad space (or “ad real estate”) in the initial time. Now, it is one of the significant sources ...

Definition: The area that is vacant for commercials on a Web page. Information: Web design did not account for Ad space (or “ad real estate”) in the initial time. Now, it is one of the significant sources Read article

Definition: It is a marketing research technique in which different parameters are altered, and the resultant approaches are evaluated to enhance the efficiency of the ultimate marketing approach. Information: It is with a control or starting marketing ...

Definition: It is a marketing research technique in which different parameters are altered, and the resultant approaches are evaluated to enhance the efficiency of the ultimate marketing approach. Information: It is with a control or starting marketing Read article

Weaknesses are any aspect of the business which may prevent the business from achieving its objectives. Weaknesses are a source of competitive disadvantage. Management should seek ways to reduce or eliminate weaknesses before they are exploited further ...

Weaknesses are any aspect of the business which may prevent the business from achieving its objectives. Weaknesses are a source of competitive disadvantage. Management should seek ways to reduce or eliminate weaknesses before they are exploited further Read article

Vision is the long-term aims and aspirations of the company for itself.  

Vision is the long-term aims and aspirations of the company for itself.  

Undifferentiated marketing is the marketing of a product aimed at the widest possible market. For example, in the holiday market, the sale of short-haul summer-sun package holidays to the Mediterranean is an undifferentiated mass-market product.  

Undifferentiated marketing is the marketing of a product aimed at the widest possible market. For example, in the holiday market, the sale of short-haul summer-sun package holidays to the Mediterranean is an undifferentiated mass-market product.  

The target market is the group of potential customers sharing common needs and characteristics that a business decides to reach and serve.  

The target market is the group of potential customers sharing common needs and characteristics that a business decides to reach and serve.  

The sales forecast is the expected level of company sales based on a chosen marketing plan and an assumed marketing environment.  

The sales forecast is the expected level of company sales based on a chosen marketing plan and an assumed marketing environment.  

Packaging is the activity of designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product. Packaging also refers to the technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use. For more information, please visit ...

Packaging is the activity of designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product. Packaging also refers to the technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use. For more information, please visit Read article