
Display & Video 360 Certification Exam

How can a site be blacklisted from an advertiser’s media buys?

Below is the answer and explanation for how can a site be blacklisted from an advertiser’s media buys? How can a site be blacklisted from an advertiser’s media buys? Use the audience composition report and exclude audiences ...

Below is the answer and explanation for how can a site be blacklisted from an advertiser’s media buys? How can a site be blacklisted from an advertiser’s media buys? Use the audience composition report and exclude audiences Read article

How are line items affected when a user edits the default targeting for insertion orders?

Below is the answer and explanation for how are line items affected when a user edits the default targeting for insertion orders? How are line items affected when a user edits the default targeting for insertion orders? ...

Below is the answer and explanation for how are line items affected when a user edits the default targeting for insertion orders? How are line items affected when a user edits the default targeting for insertion orders? Read article

What does an audit status of “Pending, servable” mean?

Below is the answer and explanation for what does an audit status of “pending, servable” mean? What does an audit status of “pending, servable” mean? The creative will not serve until resubmitted for approval. The creative will ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what does an audit status of “pending, servable” mean? What does an audit status of “pending, servable” mean? The creative will not serve until resubmitted for approval. The creative will Read article

What feature allows users to adjust fixed bids for different geographies or device types?

Below is the answer and explanation for what feature allows users to adjust fixed bids for different geographies or device types? What feature allows users to adjust fixed bids for different geographies or device types? View ability ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what feature allows users to adjust fixed bids for different geographies or device types? What feature allows users to adjust fixed bids for different geographies or device types? View ability Read article

Which two insertion order and line item settings are required? (select two)Select All Correct Responses

Below is the answer and explanation for which two insertion order and line item settings are required? Which two insertion order and line item settings are required? Pacing. ✅ Auto budget allocation. Automated bid strategy. Budget. ✅ ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which two insertion order and line item settings are required? Which two insertion order and line item settings are required? Pacing. ✅ Auto budget allocation. Automated bid strategy. Budget. ✅ Read article

Which two insertion order and line item settings are required? (select two)Select All Correct Responses

Below is the answer and explanation for which two insertion order and line item settings are required? Which two insertion order and line item settings are required? Pacing. ✅ Auto budget allocation. Automated bid strategy. Budget. ✅ ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which two insertion order and line item settings are required? Which two insertion order and line item settings are required? Pacing. ✅ Auto budget allocation. Automated bid strategy. Budget. ✅ Read article

Which two pacing scenarios represent spend-behavior that’s working as intended? (select two)Select All Correct Responses

Below is the answer and explanation for which two pacing scenarios represent spend-behavior that’s working as intended? Which two pacing scenarios represent spend-behavior that’s working as intended? Even pacing line item overspends in the first six hours, ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which two pacing scenarios represent spend-behavior that’s working as intended? Which two pacing scenarios represent spend-behavior that’s working as intended? Even pacing line item overspends in the first six hours, Read article

How can a group of URLs be excluded across advertisers?

Below is the answer and explanation for how can a group of URLs be excluded across advertisers? How can a group of URLs be excluded across advertisers? Create a channel of URLs and exclude it in advertiser ...

Below is the answer and explanation for how can a group of URLs be excluded across advertisers? How can a group of URLs be excluded across advertisers? Create a channel of URLs and exclude it in advertiser Read article

How can a campaign be activated after creating it?

Below is the answer and explanation for how can a campaign be activated after creating it? How can a campaign be activated after creating it? Upload a campaign structured data file with “live” in the status column. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for how can a campaign be activated after creating it? How can a campaign be activated after creating it? Upload a campaign structured data file with “live” in the status column. Read article

What timezone is applied to inline charts and metrics data?

Below is the answer and explanation for what timezone is applied to inline charts and metrics data? What timezone is applied to inline charts and metrics data? The user's timezone. US Pacific timezone. The advertiser's timezone. ✅ ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what timezone is applied to inline charts and metrics data? What timezone is applied to inline charts and metrics data? The user's timezone. US Pacific timezone. The advertiser's timezone. ✅ Read article

What data cannot be evaluated with a Standard or General performance report?

Below is the answer and explanation for what data cannot be evaluated with a standard or general performance report? What data cannot be evaluated with a standard or general performance report? View ability metrics across each IO ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what data cannot be evaluated with a standard or general performance report? What data cannot be evaluated with a standard or general performance report? View ability metrics across each IO Read article

Which exchanges have their own creative audit process?

Below is the answer and explanation for which exchanges have their own creative audit process? Which exchanges have their own creative audit process? Every exchange has its own creative audit process. Google ads manager only. Ad roll, ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which exchanges have their own creative audit process? Which exchanges have their own creative audit process? Every exchange has its own creative audit process. Google ads manager only. Ad roll, Read article

Which ad formats cannot be assigned to a single line item? (select two)Select All Correct Responses

Below is the answer and explanation for which ad formats cannot be assigned to a single line item? Which ad formats cannot be assigned to a single line item? Image and HTML5. True view and video. ✅ ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which ad formats cannot be assigned to a single line item? Which ad formats cannot be assigned to a single line item? Image and HTML5. True view and video. ✅ Read article