
Display & Video 360 Certification Exam

Where can a preferred deal be assigned?

Below is the answer and explanation for where can a preferred deal be assigned? Where can a preferred deal be assigned? In the line item's audience targeting. In the line item's creative assignment. In the partner settings, ...

Below is the answer and explanation for where can a preferred deal be assigned? Where can a preferred deal be assigned? In the line item's audience targeting. In the line item's creative assignment. In the partner settings, Read article

What is one way to control ad frequencies across multiple insertion orders?

Below is the answer and explanation for what is one way to control ad frequencies across multiple insertion orders? What is one way to control ad frequencies across multiple insertion orders? Set campaign-level frequency caps. ✅ Assign ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what is one way to control ad frequencies across multiple insertion orders? What is one way to control ad frequencies across multiple insertion orders? Set campaign-level frequency caps. ✅ Assign Read article

What format cannot share a frequency cap with other media formats?

Below is the answer and explanation for what format cannot share a frequency cap with other media formats? What format cannot share a frequency cap with other media formats? Native. True View. ✅ Video. Display. Correct answer ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what format cannot share a frequency cap with other media formats? What format cannot share a frequency cap with other media formats? Native. True View. ✅ Video. Display. Correct answer Read article

What percentage of the daily budget is applied when using “Ahead” pacing?

Below is the answer and explanation for what percentage of the daily budget is applied when using “ahead” pacing? What percentage of the daily budget is applied when using “ahead” pacing? 120% of the daily budget, based ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what percentage of the daily budget is applied when using “ahead” pacing? What percentage of the daily budget is applied when using “ahead” pacing? 120% of the daily budget, based Read article

What ad format cannot run with Even pacing set on the insertion order?

Below is the answer and explanation for what ad format cannot run with even pacing set on the insertion order? What ad format cannot run with even pacing set on the insertion order? Display. Native. True view. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what ad format cannot run with even pacing set on the insertion order? What ad format cannot run with even pacing set on the insertion order? Display. Native. True view. Read article

What are two ways to troubleshoot a non-spending line item? (select two)Select All Correct

Below is the answer and explanation for what are two ways to troubleshoot a non-spending line item? What are two ways to troubleshoot a non-spending line item? Adjust the partner revenue model. Check the line item's Impression ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what are two ways to troubleshoot a non-spending line item? What are two ways to troubleshoot a non-spending line item? Adjust the partner revenue model. Check the line item's Impression Read article

What step would be taken to verify that conversion pixels are implemented and load correctly?

Below is the answer and explanation for what step would be taken to verify that conversion pixels are implemented and load correctly? What step would be taken to verify that conversion pixels are implemented and load correctly? ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what step would be taken to verify that conversion pixels are implemented and load correctly? What step would be taken to verify that conversion pixels are implemented and load correctly? Read article

Which two objectives can be selected as a campaign goal? (select two)Select All Correct Responses

Below is the answer and explanation for which two objectives can be selected as a campaign goal? Which two objectives can be selected as a campaign goal? Re-market to existing customers. Drive offline or in-store sales. ✅ ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which two objectives can be selected as a campaign goal? Which two objectives can be selected as a campaign goal? Re-market to existing customers. Drive offline or in-store sales. ✅ Read article

Which three settings could prevent deals from meeting their ad-serving goals? (select three)Select All Correct Responses

Below is the answer and explanation for which three settings could prevent deals from meeting their ad-serving goals? Which three settings could prevent deals from meeting their ad-serving goals? VAST and VPAID creatives that are approved. Geo ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which three settings could prevent deals from meeting their ad-serving goals? Which three settings could prevent deals from meeting their ad-serving goals? VAST and VPAID creatives that are approved. Geo Read article

What are two Google Audiences? (select two)Select All Correct Responses

Below is the answer and explanation for what are two Google audiences? What are two Google audiences? Affinity. ✅ First-party. In market. ✅ Third-party. Correct answer Affinity. ✅ In market. ✅ Explanation You can show your ads ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what are two Google audiences? What are two Google audiences? Affinity. ✅ First-party. In market. ✅ Third-party. Correct answer Affinity. ✅ In market. ✅ Explanation You can show your ads Read article

To optimize the campaign towards viewability, which two approaches can an advertiser take? (select two)Select All Correct Responses

Below is the answer and explanation for to optimize the campaign towards view ability, which two approaches can an advertiser take? To optimize the campaign towards view ability, which two approaches can an advertiser take? Add a ...

Below is the answer and explanation for to optimize the campaign towards view ability, which two approaches can an advertiser take? To optimize the campaign towards view ability, which two approaches can an advertiser take? Add a Read article

To duplicate a line item, what steps must be taken?

Below is the answer and explanation for to duplicate a line item, what steps must be taken? To duplicate a line item, what steps must be taken? Select the line item, click “action,” and then “bulk edit”. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for to duplicate a line item, what steps must be taken? To duplicate a line item, what steps must be taken? Select the line item, click “action,” and then “bulk edit”. Read article

What report can identify when a campaign overspent the budget?

Below is the answer and explanation for what report can identify when a campaign overspent the budget? What report can identify when a campaign overspent the budget? A verification report, grouped by “q”. A SDF report based ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what report can identify when a campaign overspent the budget? What report can identify when a campaign overspent the budget? A verification report, grouped by “q”. A SDF report based Read article

How are creatives assigned to a line item?

Below is the answer and explanation for how are creatives assigned to a line item? How are creatives assigned to a line item? While setting up a new creative for the advertiser, assign the line item and ...

Below is the answer and explanation for how are creatives assigned to a line item? How are creatives assigned to a line item? While setting up a new creative for the advertiser, assign the line item and Read article

Which campaign setting impacts how the associated insertion orders deliver?

Below is the answer and explanation for which campaign setting impacts how the associated insertion orders deliver? Which campaign setting impacts how the associated insertion orders deliver? Campaign name. Frequency capping. ✅ Performance goal. Planned spend. Correct ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which campaign setting impacts how the associated insertion orders deliver? Which campaign setting impacts how the associated insertion orders deliver? Campaign name. Frequency capping. ✅ Performance goal. Planned spend. Correct Read article

What step should an advertiser take to exclude sensitive categories using a supported third-party verification tool?

Below is the answer and explanation for what step should an advertiser take to exclude sensitive categories using a supported third-party verification tool? What step should an advertiser take to exclude sensitive categories using a supported third-party ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what step should an advertiser take to exclude sensitive categories using a supported third-party verification tool? What step should an advertiser take to exclude sensitive categories using a supported third-party Read article