
hubspot digital advertising certification answers

When is the most effective time to boost content on social media?

Below is the answer and explanation for when is the most effective time to boost content on social media? When is the most effective time to boost content on social media? When it’s performing well. ✅ When ...

Below is the answer and explanation for when is the most effective time to boost content on social media? When is the most effective time to boost content on social media? When it’s performing well. ✅ When Read article

True or false? If you want to produce great content, then you need to hire an in-house content creator.

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? if you want to produce great content, then you need to hire an in-house content creator. True or false? if you want to produce great content, then ...

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? if you want to produce great content, then you need to hire an in-house content creator. True or false? if you want to produce great content, then Read article

True or false? To deliver an ad only to people searching for dress shoes for men, you could modify your broad match keyword to “+men’s dress shoes.”

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? to deliver an ad only to people searching for dress shoes for men, you could modify your broad match keyword to “+men’s dress shoes.” True or false? ...

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? to deliver an ad only to people searching for dress shoes for men, you could modify your broad match keyword to “+men’s dress shoes.” True or false? Read article

Scenario: A phrase-match keyword for one of your ads is “traveling in Boston.” Which of the following search queries would generate this ad? Choose all that apply.

Below is the answer and explanation for scenario: a phrase-match keyword for one of your ads is “traveling in Boston.” Which of the following search queries would generate this ad? Choose all that apply. Scenario: a phrase-match ...

Below is the answer and explanation for scenario: a phrase-match keyword for one of your ads is “traveling in Boston.” Which of the following search queries would generate this ad? Choose all that apply. Scenario: a phrase-match Read article

Scenario: Your business wants to advertise to a local audience. Which targeting strategy should you use?

Below is the answer and explanation for scenario: your business wants to advertise to a local audience. Which targeting strategy should you use? Scenario: your business wants to advertise to a local audience. Which targeting strategy should ...

Below is the answer and explanation for scenario: your business wants to advertise to a local audience. Which targeting strategy should you use? Scenario: your business wants to advertise to a local audience. Which targeting strategy should Read article

True or false: Digital advertising is a targeted, data-driven advertising strategy for reaching consumers online at every stage of the buyer’s journey.

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false: digital advertising is a targeted, data-driven advertising strategy for reaching consumers online at every stage of the buyer’s journey. True or false: digital advertising is a targeted, ...

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false: digital advertising is a targeted, data-driven advertising strategy for reaching consumers online at every stage of the buyer’s journey. True or false: digital advertising is a targeted, Read article

Fill in the blank: When performing a social media content audit, begin by looking at all of the content you’ve posted in the last _________.

Below is the answer and explanation for fill in the blank: when performing a social media content audit, begin by looking at all of the content you’ve posted in the last. Fill in the blank: when performing ...

Below is the answer and explanation for fill in the blank: when performing a social media content audit, begin by looking at all of the content you’ve posted in the last. Fill in the blank: when performing Read article

What can you do to make a headline more compelling?

Below is the answer and explanation for what can you do to make a headline more compelling? What can you do to make a headline more compelling? Broaden the topic. Make a promise to the reader. ✅ ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what can you do to make a headline more compelling? What can you do to make a headline more compelling? Broaden the topic. Make a promise to the reader. ✅ Read article

True or false? You should use a consistent naming system to store and easily identify hosted files.

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? you should use a consistent naming system to store and easily identify hosted files. True or false? you should use a consistent naming system to store and ...

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? you should use a consistent naming system to store and easily identify hosted files. True or false? you should use a consistent naming system to store and Read article