

Marketing is in a lot of ways like love. First, you are excited. Following that, you are attempting to determine what the other person is interested in and how you ...

Marketing is in a lot of ways like love. First, you are excited. Following that, you are attempting to determine what the other person is interested in and how you Read article

Halloween or also less known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve is celebrated in many countries around the world on 31 October. Halloween is generally nonreligious throughout ...

Halloween or also less known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve is celebrated in many countries around the world on 31 October. Halloween is generally nonreligious throughout Read article

A landing page is an independent web page that visitors can "land" on after clicking through from an email, advertisement, or another digital source. In return for something valuable, such ...

A landing page is an independent web page that visitors can "land" on after clicking through from an email, advertisement, or another digital source. In return for something valuable, such Read article

Omnichannel marketing represents a strategy, a comprehensive approach that aims to communicate effectively with the customer through all available channels. Sharing information in a unified, interconnected way, while at the ...

Omnichannel marketing represents a strategy, a comprehensive approach that aims to communicate effectively with the customer through all available channels. Sharing information in a unified, interconnected way, while at the Read article

A web crawler (sometimes referred to as a spider) is an Internet bot that automatically scans data throughout the Web to create an index of data. Search engines like Google ...

A web crawler (sometimes referred to as a spider) is an Internet bot that automatically scans data throughout the Web to create an index of data. Search engines like Google Read article

With the help of the data extracted from real devices, some legitimate-looking installs can be created, which more or less appear like actual installs. Such legitimate-looking installs are known as ...

With the help of the data extracted from real devices, some legitimate-looking installs can be created, which more or less appear like actual installs. Such legitimate-looking installs are known as Read article

User agent spoofing is defined as the replacement of the user agent string sent by your browser as an HTTP header with a string that contains another character. The users ...

User agent spoofing is defined as the replacement of the user agent string sent by your browser as an HTTP header with a string that contains another character. The users Read article

The sophisticated form of click spamming is known as click injection. There are some android apps that have built-in "install broadcasts" which are used by fraudsters for their own advantage. With ...

The sophisticated form of click spamming is known as click injection. There are some android apps that have built-in "install broadcasts" which are used by fraudsters for their own advantage. With Read article

Click spam is often referred to as organics poaching. To make the term more understandable, click spam is defined as a certain kind of advertising fraud, which takes place when ...

Click spam is often referred to as organics poaching. To make the term more understandable, click spam is defined as a certain kind of advertising fraud, which takes place when Read article