
google certification exam questions

Which are the first steps you should consider when constructing an online business strategy?

Below is the answer and explanation for which are the first steps you should consider when constructing an online business strategy? Which are the first steps you should consider when constructing an online business strategy? Understand the ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which are the first steps you should consider when constructing an online business strategy? Which are the first steps you should consider when constructing an online business strategy? Understand the Read article

When designing content as part of your content marketing strategy, what does the ‘Think’ stage represent in the ‘See, Think, Do, Care’ framework?

Below is the answer and explanation for when designing content as part of your content marketing strategy, what does the ‘think’ stage represent in the ‘see, think, do, care’ framework? When designing content as part of your ...

Below is the answer and explanation for when designing content as part of your content marketing strategy, what does the ‘think’ stage represent in the ‘see, think, do, care’ framework? When designing content as part of your Read article

Websites are hosted on a server and each of these servers has its own unique IP address. What does the ‘IP’ stand for?

Below is the answer and explanation for websites are hosted on a server and each of these servers has its own unique IP address. What does the ‘IP’ stand for? Websites are hosted on a server and ...

Below is the answer and explanation for websites are hosted on a server and each of these servers has its own unique IP address. What does the ‘IP’ stand for? Websites are hosted on a server and Read article

How can businesses benefit from using analytics on their website?

Below is the answer and explanation for how can businesses benefit from using analytics on their website? How can businesses benefit from using analytics on their website? It will show you where your audience comes from. ✅ ...

Below is the answer and explanation for how can businesses benefit from using analytics on their website? How can businesses benefit from using analytics on their website? It will show you where your audience comes from. ✅ Read article

You notice that when people see images of your products online, you have an increase in conversions or sales. Which customer touchpoint could you use to take advantage of this insight?

Below is the answer and explanation for you notice that when people see images of your products online, you have an increase in conversions or sales. Which customer touchpoint could you use to take advantage of this ...

Below is the answer and explanation for you notice that when people see images of your products online, you have an increase in conversions or sales. Which customer touchpoint could you use to take advantage of this Read article

When defining a strategy for your business, how can competitor analysis help you establish a USP (or Unique Selling Point)?

Below is the answer and explanation for when defining a strategy for your business, how can competitor analysis help you establish a USP (or unique selling point)? When defining a strategy for your business, how can competitor ...

Below is the answer and explanation for when defining a strategy for your business, how can competitor analysis help you establish a USP (or unique selling point)? When defining a strategy for your business, how can competitor Read article

Website hosting servers have their own unique IP address, what does this address consist of?

Below is the answer and explanation for website hosting servers have their own unique IP address, what does this address consist of? Website hosting servers have their own unique IP address, what does this address consist of? ...

Below is the answer and explanation for website hosting servers have their own unique IP address, what does this address consist of? Website hosting servers have their own unique IP address, what does this address consist of? Read article

Web analytics can tell you many things about your online performance, but what can analytics tools not tell you?

Below is the answer and explanation for web analytics can tell you many things about your online performance, but what can analytics tools not tell you? Web analytics can tell you many things about your online performance, ...

Below is the answer and explanation for web analytics can tell you many things about your online performance, but what can analytics tools not tell you? Web analytics can tell you many things about your online performance, Read article

What’s the biggest challenge for most businesses when going online?

Below is the answer and explanation for what’s the biggest challenge for most businesses when going online? What’s the biggest challenge for most businesses when going online? Planning a budget. Developing a plan. ✅ Optimising a website. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what’s the biggest challenge for most businesses when going online? What’s the biggest challenge for most businesses when going online? Planning a budget. Developing a plan. ✅ Optimising a website. Read article

Which of the following options is important to research when planning to expand delivery of products and services to customers across the globe?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following options is important to research when planning to expand delivery of products and services to customers across the globe? Which of the following options is important ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following options is important to research when planning to expand delivery of products and services to customers across the globe? Which of the following options is important Read article

When selling to people in different countries, what payment form should you consider using if you aren’t already?

Below is the answer and explanation for when selling to people in different countries, what payment form should you consider using if you aren’t already? When selling to people in different countries, what payment form should you ...

Below is the answer and explanation for when selling to people in different countries, what payment form should you consider using if you aren’t already? When selling to people in different countries, what payment form should you Read article

What should a business do first, when considering going into a new market?

Below is the answer and explanation for what should a business do first, when considering going into a new market? What should a business do first, when considering going into a new market? Hire an agency to ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what should a business do first, when considering going into a new market? What should a business do first, when considering going into a new market? Hire an agency to Read article

Which of the following is primarily meant to target new customers online?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is primarily meant to target new customers online? Which of the following is primarily meant to target new customers online? Email marketing. Print advertising. Retargeting advertising. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is primarily meant to target new customers online? Which of the following is primarily meant to target new customers online? Email marketing. Print advertising. Retargeting advertising. Read article

Before starting to promote products to other countries online, what could you use to gauge demand for your product in that specific market?

Below is the answer and explanation for before starting to promote products to other countries online, what could you use to gauge demand for your product in that specific market? Before starting to promote products to other ...

Below is the answer and explanation for before starting to promote products to other countries online, what could you use to gauge demand for your product in that specific market? Before starting to promote products to other Read article

What is the best way to translate the content on your website for a new market?

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the best way to translate the content on your website for a new market? What is the best way to translate the content on your website for a ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the best way to translate the content on your website for a new market? What is the best way to translate the content on your website for a Read article

Which of the following statements is true when describing how retargeting ads work?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following statements is true when describing how retargeting ads work? Which of the following statements is true when describing how retargeting ads work? Retargeting ads are visible ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following statements is true when describing how retargeting ads work? Which of the following statements is true when describing how retargeting ads work? Retargeting ads are visible Read article

What is an example of product merchandising?

Below is the answer and explanation for what is an example of product merchandising? What is an example of product merchandising? Running an ad for your products. Adding a way for customers to filter your products. Displaying ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what is an example of product merchandising? What is an example of product merchandising? Running an ad for your products. Adding a way for customers to filter your products. Displaying Read article

Which of the following is a sign that customers are having trouble using a particular device to make purchases?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is a sign that customers are having trouble using a particular device to make purchases? Which of the following is a sign that customers are having ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is a sign that customers are having trouble using a particular device to make purchases? Which of the following is a sign that customers are having Read article

What is the name of the process that describes what happens when a customer is taken to a separate site to complete a transaction before being sent back to the original site again?

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the name of the process that describes what happens when a customer is taken to a separate site to complete a transaction before being sent back to the ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the name of the process that describes what happens when a customer is taken to a separate site to complete a transaction before being sent back to the Read article

Which of the following is an advantage of e-commerce?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is an advantage of e-commerce? Which of the following is an advantage of e-commerce? More relaxed checkout procedure. Low operational costs. ✅ Minimal interaction required with ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is an advantage of e-commerce? Which of the following is an advantage of e-commerce? More relaxed checkout procedure. Low operational costs. ✅ Minimal interaction required with Read article