
Google Ads App Certification Assessment Questions&Answers

Exam Name: Google Ads Apps Certification
Exam Link:
Validity: 1 year
Total Questions: 49
Time Limit: 75 minutes
Minimum Required Percentage: 70%
Note: You can take retake exam after 24 hours of completing the exam.


All copyrights and credits go to Google skillshop as they are the original creator of the test and sole owner of the content.

Exam Name: Google Ads Apps Certification
Exam Link:
Validity: 1 year
Total Questions: 49
Time Limit: 75 minutes
Minimum Required Percentage: 70%
Note: You can take retake exam after 24 hours of completing the exam.


All copyrights and credits go to Google skillshop as they are the original creator of the test and sole owner of the content.

Below is the answer and explanation for Google ads follow the media rating council’s standards for view ability. What’s required for an ad to be counted as a viewable impression? Google ads follow the media rating council’s ...

Below is the answer and explanation for Google ads follow the media rating council’s standards for view ability. What’s required for an ad to be counted as a viewable impression? Google ads follow the media rating council’s Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for which three technology-related considerations might impact how an app performs by market? Which three technology-related considerations might impact how an app performs by market? Browser preference of market. Population density ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which three technology-related considerations might impact how an app performs by market? Which three technology-related considerations might impact how an app performs by market? Browser preference of market. Population density Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for how do the majority of app downloaders discover apps? How do the majority of app downloaders discover apps? Through magazine placements. Through television commercials. Through billboard advertising. Through digital sources. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for how do the majority of app downloaders discover apps? How do the majority of app downloaders discover apps? Through magazine placements. Through television commercials. Through billboard advertising. Through digital sources. Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for what are three reasons why a retail company would invest in app promotion? What are three reasons why a retail company would invest in app promotion? Apps are guaranteed to ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what are three reasons why a retail company would invest in app promotion? What are three reasons why a retail company would invest in app promotion? Apps are guaranteed to Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for when setting up a new Google app campaign, which three settings must be made at the campaign level? When setting up a new Google app campaign, which three settings must ...

Below is the answer and explanation for when setting up a new Google app campaign, which three settings must be made at the campaign level? When setting up a new Google app campaign, which three settings must Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for in what way do Google app campaigns simplify the ad creation process? In what way do Google app campaigns simplify the ad creation process? Content is taken from the website ...

Below is the answer and explanation for in what way do Google app campaigns simplify the ad creation process? In what way do Google app campaigns simplify the ad creation process? Content is taken from the website Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for what are the two main marketer objectives for app promotion? What are the two main marketer objectives for app promotion? Discovery and global expansion. Global expansion and in-store sales. Engagement ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what are the two main marketer objectives for app promotion? What are the two main marketer objectives for app promotion? Discovery and global expansion. Global expansion and in-store sales. Engagement Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following roles does an app play in overall business strategy? Which of the following roles does an app play in overall business strategy? Identifying the most important ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following roles does an app play in overall business strategy? Which of the following roles does an app play in overall business strategy? Identifying the most important Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for three key steps are needed to enable conversion tracking in a Google app campaign. Place them in the correct order. Three key steps are needed to enable conversion tracking in ...

Below is the answer and explanation for three key steps are needed to enable conversion tracking in a Google app campaign. Place them in the correct order. Three key steps are needed to enable conversion tracking in Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for a gaming company just released a new app and wants to focus on the initial launch phase. What matters most to a business when an app first launches? A gaming ...

Below is the answer and explanation for a gaming company just released a new app and wants to focus on the initial launch phase. What matters most to a business when an app first launches? A gaming Read article