
semrush seo toolkit certification

True or false? The LinkedIn blogging platform is available for both personal and business pages.

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? The linkedIn blogging platform is available for both personal and business pages. True or false? The linkedIn blogging platform is available for both personal and business pages. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? The linkedIn blogging platform is available for both personal and business pages. True or false? The linkedIn blogging platform is available for both personal and business pages. Read article

Which tool helps you better understand what’s happening on your website and improve your SEO strategy based on your actual traffic statistics?

Below is the answer and explanation for which tool helps you better understand what’s happening on your website and improve your SEO strategy based on your actual traffic statistics? Which tool helps you better understand what’s happening ...

Below is the answer and explanation for which tool helps you better understand what’s happening on your website and improve your SEO strategy based on your actual traffic statistics? Which tool helps you better understand what’s happening Read article

The Backlink Analytics report helps users compare backlink metrics for several URLs.

Below is the answer and explanation for the Backlink analytics report helps users compare backlink metrics for several URLs. The Backlink analytics report helps users compare backlink metrics for several URLs. True. ✅ False. Correct answer True. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for the Backlink analytics report helps users compare backlink metrics for several URLs. The Backlink analytics report helps users compare backlink metrics for several URLs. True. ✅ False. Correct answer True. Read article

What is the first step for a business that wants to start a social media program?

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the first step for a business that wants to start a social media program? What is the first step for a business that wants to start a social ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the first step for a business that wants to start a social media program? What is the first step for a business that wants to start a social Read article

What should we call an influencer with 543 followers?

Below is the answer and explanation for what should we call an influencer with 543 followers? What should we call an influencer with 543 followers? Micro Influencer. Macro Influencer. Nano Influencer. ✅ Mini Influencer. Correct answer Nano ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what should we call an influencer with 543 followers? What should we call an influencer with 543 followers? Micro Influencer. Macro Influencer. Nano Influencer. ✅ Mini Influencer. Correct answer Nano Read article

What statements are true about the content buckets approach? Choose two options.

Below is the answer and explanation for what statements are true about the content buckets approach? Choose two options. What statements are true about the content buckets approach? Choose two options. You should align the weight of ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what statements are true about the content buckets approach? Choose two options. What statements are true about the content buckets approach? Choose two options. You should align the weight of Read article

What is the most effective way to send social signals via Twitter and to be noticed by someone whose tweets you share?

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the most effective way to send social signals via Twitter and to be noticed by someone whose tweets you share? What is the most effective way to send ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the most effective way to send social signals via Twitter and to be noticed by someone whose tweets you share? What is the most effective way to send Read article

What does the SEMrush Sensor score refer to?

Below is the answer and explanation for what does the SEMrush sensor score refer to? What does the SEMrush sensor score refer to? Fluctuation of a user’s website in SERP rankings. SERP volatility. ✅ SERP structure. SERP ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what does the SEMrush sensor score refer to? What does the SEMrush sensor score refer to? Fluctuation of a user’s website in SERP rankings. SERP volatility. ✅ SERP structure. SERP Read article

Position Tracking allows users to track a website’s search visibility across multiple devices (desktop, phone and tablet) and locations (down to the ZIP Code level) in one project.

Below is the answer and explanation for position tracking allows users to track a website’s search visibility across multiple devices (desktop, phone and tablet) and locations (down to the ZIP code level) in one project. Position tracking ...

Below is the answer and explanation for position tracking allows users to track a website’s search visibility across multiple devices (desktop, phone and tablet) and locations (down to the ZIP code level) in one project. Position tracking Read article

What can’t be done on Facebook?

Below is the answer and explanation for what can’t be done on Facebook? What can’t be done on Facebook? Creating open groups to increase engagement. Engaging the public with live stream video. Advertising both your business and ...

Below is the answer and explanation for what can’t be done on Facebook? What can’t be done on Facebook? Creating open groups to increase engagement. Engaging the public with live stream video. Advertising both your business and Read article