

Forecasting is related to the process of estimating future demand for a product or service by anticipating what buyers are likely to do under a given set of marketing conditions (for example disposal income, economic confidence, and ...

Forecasting is related to the process of estimating future demand for a product or service by anticipating what buyers are likely to do under a given set of marketing conditions (for example disposal income, economic confidence, and Read article

Franchising is related to the selling of a license by the owner (franchisor) to a third party (franchisee) permitting them to sell a product or service for a specified period at a specific market. This kind of ...

Franchising is related to the selling of a license by the owner (franchisor) to a third party (franchisee) permitting them to sell a product or service for a specified period at a specific market. This kind of Read article

Full cost pricing aims to set a price of a product that takes into account all relevant costs of production.

Full cost pricing aims to set a price of a product that takes into account all relevant costs of production.

Early adopters are the people who choose new products carefully and are often consulted by people from the remaining adopter categories.

Early adopters are the people who choose new products carefully and are often consulted by people from the remaining adopter categories.

Early majority is usually referred to the number of people who adopt specific products or services prior to the average person.

Early majority is usually referred to the number of people who adopt specific products or services prior to the average person.

E-commerce, also known as eCommerce and electronic commerce is related to the purchasing and selling of products and services over online systems such as the Internet or other computer networks.

E-commerce, also known as eCommerce and electronic commerce is related to the purchasing and selling of products and services over online systems such as the Internet or other computer networks.

Endorsement is the promotion of any product or service’s recommendation or affirmation, which is usually given by a celebrity. Its main idea is to imply to the potential customers that a product is really good and worth ...

Endorsement is the promotion of any product or service’s recommendation or affirmation, which is usually given by a celebrity. Its main idea is to imply to the potential customers that a product is really good and worth Read article

Expansionistic pricing is an exaggerated type of penetration pricing which involves setting extremely low prices geared toward establishing mass markets, presumably at the expense of other suppliers. Under this strategy, the product or service results in high ...

Expansionistic pricing is an exaggerated type of penetration pricing which involves setting extremely low prices geared toward establishing mass markets, presumably at the expense of other suppliers. Under this strategy, the product or service results in high Read article

Extinction pricing is usually referred to as eliminating competition. It involves setting very low prices in the short term in order to undercut all the competition or alternatively repel potential new entrants.

Extinction pricing is usually referred to as eliminating competition. It involves setting very low prices in the short term in order to undercut all the competition or alternatively repel potential new entrants.

Demographic segmentation is usually related to dividing the market into particular groups based on variables such as gender, age, family size, education, income, occupation, religion, race and nationality.  

Demographic segmentation is usually related to dividing the market into particular groups based on variables such as gender, age, family size, education, income, occupation, religion, race and nationality.