

Definition: Frame refers to the composition that permits the division of the Web page; into two or more than two autonomous sections. Information: The use of a frame includes directing one or more portions of a Web ...

Definition: Frame refers to the composition that permits the division of the Web page; into two or more than two autonomous sections. Information: The use of a frame includes directing one or more portions of a Web Read article

Definition: Freemium refers to a method where a company renders a free general product; to provide the consumers the choice to utilize a superior variant for prime cost. Information: Freemium operates by rendering a general product, and ...

Definition: Freemium refers to a method where a company renders a free general product; to provide the consumers the choice to utilize a superior variant for prime cost. Information: Freemium operates by rendering a general product, and Read article

Definition: Frequency cap refers to the constraints implied on the number of times a distinct user views a specific advertisement. Information: Frequency capping confers as a technique to evade banner burnout, the spot where the user overviews ...

Definition: Frequency cap refers to the constraints implied on the number of times a distinct user views a specific advertisement. Information: Frequency capping confers as a technique to evade banner burnout, the spot where the user overviews Read article