
Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant Exam

Exam Name: Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant Exam

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Total Questions: 70


All copyrights and credit go to Salesforce as they are the original creatorof the test and the sole owner of the content.

Exam Name: Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant Exam

Exam URL:

Total Questions: 70


All copyrights and credit go to Salesforce as they are the original creatorof the test and the sole owner of the content.

Below is the answer and explanation for the question in the Salesforce Exams. What are two capabilities of Data Loader? (Choose two.) Ability to extract organization and configuration data. Ability to prevent importing duplicate records. Ability to ...

Below is the answer and explanation for the question in the Salesforce Exams. What are two capabilities of Data Loader? (Choose two.) Ability to extract organization and configuration data. Ability to prevent importing duplicate records. Ability to Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for the question in the Salesforce Exams. The marketing department at Universal Containers is migrating from its legacy campaign and email management system to Salesforce and wants to ensure that its ...

Below is the answer and explanation for the question in the Salesforce Exams. The marketing department at Universal Containers is migrating from its legacy campaign and email management system to Salesforce and wants to ensure that its Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for the question in the Salesforce Exams. Sales management at Universal Containers is concerned that pipeline and forecasting reports are inaccurate because sales representatives are creating opportunities after they are closed/won. ...

Below is the answer and explanation for the question in the Salesforce Exams. Sales management at Universal Containers is concerned that pipeline and forecasting reports are inaccurate because sales representatives are creating opportunities after they are closed/won. Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for the question in the Salesforce Exams. Universal Containers has a public sharing model for accounts and uses the parent account field to create a multi-level account hierarchy. When viewing a ...

Below is the answer and explanation for the question in the Salesforce Exams. Universal Containers has a public sharing model for accounts and uses the parent account field to create a multi-level account hierarchy. When viewing a Read article

Below is the answer and explanation for the question in the Salesforce Exams. The members of an opportunity team at Universal Containers are working together to close an opportunity. The sales engineer on the team is having ...

Below is the answer and explanation for the question in the Salesforce Exams. The members of an opportunity team at Universal Containers are working together to close an opportunity. The sales engineer on the team is having Read article