AI news: OSN and global resolution on AI

AI news: OSN and global resolution on AI

March 25,2024 in AI&ChatGPT | 0 Comments

OSN has just unanimously adopted the first global resolution on artificial intelligence. While this step symbolizes significant progress towards a coordinated global approach to the regulation and development of AI, we must not overlook its non-binding nature and potential shortcomings.

The resolution calls on states to focus on the protection of human rights and personal data while monitoring the risks associated with AI. Although it is supported by more than 120 countries, including China and the US, its actual impact remains uncertain, mainly due to its non-binding nature.

Although the initiative counts on the support of all 193 UN member states and emphasizes unity in the approach to AI governance, there is a significant lack of concrete measures to guarantee its safe development and use. U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield’s statement that “together we will choose to govern AI rather than have it govern us” sounds encouraging, but requires more than words – we need action.

Concerns about the potential misuse of AI, including disruption of democratic processes, fraud, or massive job losses, are ever present. The resolution offers a framework, but without binding rules or sanctions for those who do not respect the standards, its effectiveness remains in question.

Europe is emerging as a leader in AI regulation, while in the U.S., political polarization is hindering legislative progress. Although the White House is taking steps to reduce the risks associated with AI, a global response to the challenges posed by AI requires more than just US leadership.

This resolution is a step in the right direction, but its success will depend on the ability to transform words into binding actions that ensure AI serves society ethically and safely. It’s time to move the discussion out of UN meeting rooms and into concrete, binding action.

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