
Your web property is “”. You set up a URL goal of “/thankyou” and a Match Type of “Begins With”. Which of the following URLs will count as goals?

Below is the answer and explanation for the question your web property is “”. You set up a URL goal of “/thankyou” and a Match Type of “Begins With”. Which of the following URLs will count as goals?

Your web property is “”. You set up a URL goal of “/thankyou” and a Match Type of “Begins With”. Which of the following URLs will count as goals?

  • All of these would count as goal ✅

Correct answer

All of these would count as goal ✅


This matches identical characters starting from the beginning of the string up to and including the last character in the string you specify. Use this option when your page URLs are generally unvarying but when they include additional parameters at the end that you want to exclude.

The above answer and explanation are related to Google Analytics individual qualification exam. You can find all the updated questions and answers related to Google Analytics individual qualification exam on the “Google Analytics individual qualification exam” page. If you find any error or update in question or answers, do comment below and let us know. We will update the answers as soon as possible.

Learn more about Google Analytics individual qualification exam: Google Analytics individual qualification exam at Skillshop

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