
When analyzing the goal flow report, you see that many users are dropping off after the second step in the funnel.

Below is the answer and explanation for the question when analyzing the goal flow report, you see that many users are dropping off after the second step in the funnel.

When analyzing the goal flow report, you see that many users are dropping off after the second step in the funnel.

  • You are possibly targeting the wrong audience who is not as interested in your product
  • The navigation between the second and third steps of the purchase process could be improved
  • You should consider directing traffic through a different entrance point of your goal
  • all of the above ✅

Correct answer

all of the above ✅


A flow visualization is a graphic that a traces a route or a path, like a trail through a forest. Unlike a map, which displays possible and known routes, a flow visualization reveals the actual path as it was traveled step by step, including any detours or backtracking that happened along the way.
Flow reports in Analytics illustrate the paths users take through your content, including special elements you track using Goals and Events. In a single graphic, you can see how users enter, engage, and exit your content. You can also use these reports to troubleshoot your content by finding any unexpected place users exit or loop back.

The above answer and explanation are related to Google Analytics individual qualification exam. You can find all the updated questions and answers related to Google Analytics individual qualification exam on the “Google Analytics individual qualification exam” page. If you find any error or update in question or answers, do comment below and let us know. We will update the answers as soon as possible.

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