
Mr. Perry has bookmarked a large number of webpages in Chrome while researching class topics. Unfortunately, he’s bookmarked so many that’s he’s struggling to find relevant content Quickly. What can he do within the Bookmark manager of Chrome to simplify and organize his list of bookmarks?

Below is the answer and explanation for the question in the Salesforce Exams.

Mr. Perry has bookmarked a large number of webpages in Chrome while researching class topics. Unfortunately, he’s bookmarked so many that’s he’s struggling to find relevant content Quickly. What can he do within the Bookmark manager of Chrome to simplify and organize his list of bookmarks?

  • Delete bookmarks that are not urgently required and search for them again when they are needed
  • Use the search function in the Chrome Bookmark Manager ✅
  • Rename and organize bookmarks into themed folders so they are labeled clearly ✅
  • Create a Doc that lists all favorite websites with links

Correct Answers

Use the search function in the Chrome Bookmark Manager ✅
Rename and organize bookmarks into themed folders so they are labeled clearly ✅


Bookmarks in Google Chrome save a link to a website you want to return to later, much like when you put a bookmark in a book. Here are several ways you can create, view, and edit your Bookmarks.. On your computer, open Chrome. At the top right, click More More and then Bookmarks and then Bookmark Manager. Drag a bookmark up or down, or drag a bookmark into a folder on the left. You can also copy and paste your bookmarks in the order you want. If you use the bookmarks bar, you can drag your bookmarks into the order you want.

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