
Matias is thrilled about including video remarketing in his latest campaign strategy to bolster pre-holiday sales of his company’s new toy release. He is eager to re-engage with his prior customers who are exploring his YouTube content. What benefit of video remarketing meets his need?

Below is the answer and explanation for the question Matias is thrilled about including video remarketing in his latest campaign strategy to bolster pre-holiday sales of his company’s new toy release. He is eager to re-engage with his prior customers who are exploring his YouTube content. What benefit of video remarketing meets his need?

Matias is thrilled about including video remarketing in his latest campaign strategy to bolster pre-holiday sales of his company’s new toy release. He is eager to re-engage with his prior customers who are exploring his YouTube content. What benefit of video remarketing meets his need?

  • It can be set up in Google Ads in a few steps.
  • It’s cost-efficient by remarketing to customers based on past behaviors that may offer a higher return on investment.
  • It allows for reaching a very broad audience — a scope that includes YouTube, as well as Google’s Search and Display Network.
  • It offers the opportunity to target specific customers and create personalized messaging to his audience that has shown interest for similar toys on his YouTube
    channel. ✅

correct answer

It offers the opportunity to target specific customers and create personalized messaging to his audience that has shown interest for similar toys on his YouTube
channel. ✅


With YouTube and video remarketing, advertisers can reconnect with viewers who have engaged with their video content, continue telling them a story — and try to get them back! When it comes to remarketing, lists make things happen.

The above answer and explanation are related to Google ads video certification. You can find all the updated questions and answers related to Google video ads certification exam on the “Google ads video assessment answers” page. If you find any error or update in questions or answers, do comment below and let us know. We will update the answers as soon as possible.

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