
During your weekly retrospective, you suggest the idea of adding a step before the initial kickoff workshop: meetings with each stakeholder individually. The agency’s owner pushes back hard, explaining that it would add a great deal of time to the engagement. Which of the following would be the BEST response?

Below is the answer and explanation for during your weekly retrospective, you suggest the idea of adding a step before the initial kickoff workshop: meetings with each stakeholder individually. The agency’s owner pushes back hard, explaining that it would add a great deal of time to the engagement. Which of the following would be the best response?

During your weekly retrospective, you suggest the idea of adding a step before the initial kickoff workshop: meetings with each stakeholder individually. The agency’s owner pushes back hard, explaining that it would add a great deal of time to the engagement. Which of the following would be the best response?

  • “Sure, I understand. These meetings are important and are an investment in the relationship. We can cut out the user research in the strategy stage and repurpose this time to host these meetings.”?
  • “You’re right. We are already having trouble selling GDD retainers; adding more time to the engagement will likely make it harder for us to grow our program.”?
  • “We could still have each person talk about their vision for the website; however, we can do it as a group and invite the CEO. This will ensure the CEO can include their ideas.”?
  • “These meetings would be an investment in the long-term success of this client. This will help us establish better relationships, tailor the process, and create more aligned ideas.”?

Correct answer

“These meetings would be an investment in the long-term success of this client. This will help us establish better relationships, tailor the process, and create more aligned ideas.”?

The above answer is related to HubSpot growth-driven design agency certification exam. You can find all the updated questions and answers related to HubSpot growth-driven design agency certification exam on the “HubSpot growth-driven design agency certification answers” page. If you find any error or update in question or answers, do comment below and let us know. We will update the answers as soon as possible.

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