

Definition Doorway pages are specially created for specific keywords to have a good rating in search engines. They give access to visitors for visiting the central content. Information: Practically, doorway pages can be used in many ways. ...

Definition Doorway pages are specially created for specific keywords to have a good rating in search engines. They give access to visitors for visiting the central content. Information: Practically, doorway pages can be used in many ways. Read article

Definition: Data represented in the form of a graph whereby different levels of the same metric are displayed in color. Information: People’s interaction with the different sections of a web page is commonly shown by web-based marketers ...

Definition: Data represented in the form of a graph whereby different levels of the same metric are displayed in color. Information: People’s interaction with the different sections of a web page is commonly shown by web-based marketers Read article

Definition Advertising of services or products through email is known as email marketing. Information: Email is a multifaceted channel. It includes formats such as plain text, rich media, and HTML. The content in it can be personalized ...

Definition Advertising of services or products through email is known as email marketing. Information: Email is a multifaceted channel. It includes formats such as plain text, rich media, and HTML. The content in it can be personalized Read article

Definition: It is the effectual amount of money over a thousand impressions. It especially refers to effectual cost contained in every thousand. Information: eCPM aids in measuring media with the help of various payment procedures in such ...

Definition: It is the effectual amount of money over a thousand impressions. It especially refers to effectual cost contained in every thousand. Information: eCPM aids in measuring media with the help of various payment procedures in such Read article

Definition: Forum refers to the presence of an online community where users might browse and update topics of shared interests. Information: Forums can prove to be serviceable for any person that conducts trade online, regarding interpreting content ...

Definition: Forum refers to the presence of an online community where users might browse and update topics of shared interests. Information: Forums can prove to be serviceable for any person that conducts trade online, regarding interpreting content Read article

Definition: Frame refers to the composition that permits the division of the Web page; into two or more than two autonomous sections. Information: The use of a frame includes directing one or more portions of a Web ...

Definition: Frame refers to the composition that permits the division of the Web page; into two or more than two autonomous sections. Information: The use of a frame includes directing one or more portions of a Web Read article

Definition: Freemium refers to a method where a company renders a free general product; to provide the consumers the choice to utilize a superior variant for prime cost. Information: Freemium operates by rendering a general product, and ...

Definition: Freemium refers to a method where a company renders a free general product; to provide the consumers the choice to utilize a superior variant for prime cost. Information: Freemium operates by rendering a general product, and Read article

Definition: Frequency cap refers to the constraints implied on the number of times a distinct user views a specific advertisement. Information: Frequency capping confers as a technique to evade banner burnout, the spot where the user overviews ...

Definition: Frequency cap refers to the constraints implied on the number of times a distinct user views a specific advertisement. Information: Frequency capping confers as a technique to evade banner burnout, the spot where the user overviews Read article

Definition: Geo-targeting refers to a technique for identifying a website visitant’s position to render position-based content or commercials. Information: Every visitant’s network pairs up with an IP address that shows its distinct spot. The initial three figures ...

Definition: Geo-targeting refers to a technique for identifying a website visitant’s position to render position-based content or commercials. Information: Every visitant’s network pairs up with an IP address that shows its distinct spot. The initial three figures Read article

Definition: Data Studio allows clients to create customized reports with Google’s advertising services data as well as extrinsic resources. It is free. Information: For users who want to expand their working space beyond Google Analytics’ data and ...

Definition: Data Studio allows clients to create customized reports with Google’s advertising services data as well as extrinsic resources. It is free. Information: For users who want to expand their working space beyond Google Analytics’ data and Read article